Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Beauty - a noun

Beauty – a noun: the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

I like that the definition begins with the words “the quality present”. That “quality” can be so many things. The quality might be the way a soon-to-be-mother glows when she caresses her belly and smiles as she says the name of the child she carries. The quality can be the way one friend shares her fashion sense with her friends so they don’t walk around feeling hopelessly lost at the mall. The quality can be the vulnerability in a young woman longing to find herself by attempting new things. The quality could be listening to a friend on the phone at 3am knowing that the alarm will go off in only a few hours. Those qualities give great pleasure and deep satisfaction. Beauty is within each of us.

My typing paused as I began to write these next words… I am beautiful. And it’s not because my hair is styled in the latest fashion, or because my jeans are a certain size. I am beautiful because I was created that way. My friends say I offer wisdom. I say it’s just lessons learned from so many mistakes. But I guess if I’ve learned from them and can share what I know now with those around me to help them, then maybe that’s one of my qualities that gives great pleasure and deep satisfaction to me and others.

I’m not perfect…oh no, my friends, far from it! But I have beauty.

What is yours? Please leave a comment and tell me what your favorite quality is about yourself.

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